Letterpress is by far the most requested printing method for our invitations, and it is the default for most of our lifestyle stationery. Because of it's popularity, I thought I would share a little something about what Letterpress is. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel, either. There is a short documentary below - about 6 minutes - that is worth the watch.
Now, granted, I don't go into as much detail as Firefly press - there is no casting my own type. I admit to being more of a modern letterpress girl, meaning that when working on a client job, I use a program like Adobe Illustrator to create my layout and set my type, then send it off to have a custom cut made. This is what makes letterpress affordable, otherwise I'd be charging hours and hours to make ready for a single job, and imagery would be a lot more limited, too!
For art prints, I tend to set type the old fashioned way. You can see my handiwork in the technique here and here, with more art prints soon to come.
I am a studio renter at Pratt in Seattle so this is where all my magic happens. More specifically, I usually work on Franklin. Say hello! Franklin is a Chandler & Price Platen Job Press. No motor on this guy so you get a bit of a workout making him go. He's a clankity little bugger, but fast so we forgive him!

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